Prisoners of Hope tells the story of Levi, an elder in the Saint Philip Church who is diagnosed with lung cancer and memory loss due to his smoking and snorting snuff habits. Despite medical experts predicting that Levi only has a few days to live, Levi hopes to see his Creator face-to-face before he dies. Venerable Peterson encourages and prays for Levi during his illness. Levi realizes that fraud and the curse placed on him by his former boss are the root causes of his problems. Though Levi is discharged from the hospital and expected to die soon, he receives divine healing after delivering a powerful sermon. However, Levi is later abducted and killed during a shootout between the kidnappers and the police. Though Levi dies twice before being fatally shot, his hope of seeing his Maker gives him the chance to reconcile with God before his death. ----------------- "Prisoners of Hope" by Fortune Emarence Chinemerem Nwaiwu is a compelling...
CHAPTER ONE I was awakened by a barrage of strange voices in the middle of the night. I lifted my head off the pillow, ears straining to decipher what was happening, but I couldn’t parse out any clear words in the midst of the different voices simultaneously talking, weeping, and groaning over each other. But the rapid footsteps made clear that all was not well. I tracked the footsteps going first to the church compound, then to the parsonage, where whoever was out there banged on the door. “Sir Peterson, open the door,” the voices cried out to me. I remained inside the church, peeking out through one of the glass windows to see what was happening. Surely, none of them knew that I had been sleeping in the church. If they had been kidnappers, I could have escaped them. One bishop I knew of had been aroused by a crowd of people claiming a member was critically sick, but as the man of God came out to pray, he was abducted. For this reason, I never let anyone know wh...